With the ever-increasing popularity and advancement of Web App developments, web services are constantly evolving to satisfy client requests irrespective of geographical location. This essentially gives businesses the opportunity to achieve a global presence by expanding their audience reach with minimal asset cost.
Cloud native applications are heavily distributed across:
- Virtual Machines
- Hosts
- Containers & Kubernetes
- Serverless Infrastructure
DevOps and infrastructure teams are leveraging a combination of the above to run cloud native applications. This diversity, along with an ever-increasing cloud footprint, leads to a much larger number of entities to protect. Security teams struggle to gain control over these deployments without slowing down release velocity. As the organizations race against one another in their effort to be the fastest to Go-to-market.
This fast-paced adoption of cloud will accelerate in the aftermath of Covid-19 crisis with Cloud projected to make up 14.4 % of the total Enterprise IT spend in 2024. - Gartner
Challenges faced by organizations utilizing Cloud native applications:
- Port-Based ruleset are invalid: Typical applications utilize legitimate web-based ports & protocols like HTTP(S). Legacy firewalls work on blocking typical ports & protocols making it impossible to detect & block malicious attempts hiding in plain sight. A deep level inspection is required to differentiate between legitimate traffic & potential threats.
- WAF based signature marching is obsolete: Web based applications are constantly under attack and protecting them with signature based WAF technologies is an unscalable tactic. A round the clock self-learning technology needs to be employed to mitigate rapidly evolving attacks.
- Rapid updates & releases: With the rise in adoption of agile environments and DevOps teams the applications are being updated every month or rather every week. This continuous change in application environment causes the traditional solution like Web Application Firewalls (WAFs) utilizing manual tuning hard to keep up resulting in loop holes and impossible for infrastructure teams to cope with.
- Encrypted traffic loopholes: Traffic encrypted utilizing Http(s) is super critical in today's world to ensure user privacy but to uncover threats malicious threats, traffic inspection is essential.
- Vulnerability management: With microservices being employed and applications developed with the speed of light, vulnerability patching and unsafe permissions need to be detected and blocked before application moves to production.
NGS Advantage:
- Continuous learning Prevention: Our Continuous AI based prevention engine learns each request and works on creating a risk-based score. This risk based contextual engine goes beyond signature-based engines to mitigate OWASP 10 attacks to Zero Day threats.
- Protection for APIs: Most WAF solutions focus on web applications leaving the API front open for attackers to exploit. The comprehensive solution protects the entire presence of the Web application.
- Automate to Adapt: The solution learns of changes in application to adapt itself thus releasing the infrastructure team from creating manual rules post change.
- Agile & Ease of deployment: The solution has a no. of deployment possibilities ranging from a proxy server or an add on or an ingress controller on Kubernetes.
- Single Pane of Glass: A unified solution platform providing a consolidated platform to visualize, protect & review entire cloud platform a single dashboard. Features ranging from Industry standard compliances & regulations to addressing misconfigurations and uncover insider threat.